The integration between Herta and Genetec Security Center offers a unique and seamless platform that contains Video Management System and Face Recognition tools integrated all-in-one.
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Herta Security Facial Recognition Solution Overview
The integration between Herta and Genetec Security Center offers a unique and seamless platform that contains Video Management System and Face Recognition tools integrated all-in-one.
Centralized alarm management for large infrastructures
Today's CCTV projects are deployed with dozens of applications which makes operators struggle with their day to day tasks. We develop this integration between Herta and Genetec to solve the discomfort of having multiple interfaces and to unify the management of video surveillance and facial recognition systems within Genetec Security Center.
Instant access to alarms' video footage for law enforcement
Quick access to the right video footage remains a challenge for many law enforcement agencies around the world.
With this integration, we offer a valuable feature of showing a short video playback recording for every detection and/or identification alarm received, so that an operator can see a video playback of the exact moment where the detection/identification of a user has occurred, allowing to see other details related to the event.
Automatic reconnection for increased redundancy
Most CCTV projects require 99,99% uptime and high reliability from the hardware and software deployed. To avoid launching the integration manually if the connection with Herta is lost at any time, the integration is periodically checking if the connection is successful and if not, it will automatically reconnect. This feature helps the operator to have the confidence that no alarms will be lost if the communication fails.
Features and benefits
- Genetec Security Center remains as a centralized software from where Herta alarms are visualized.
- Detection and/or identification alarms generated by Herta are sent to Genetec Security Center in real-time.
- Generation of bookmarks for every alarm received.
- Video playback recording option to see the exact moment of the video where a face was detected/identified.
- Integration works in the background.
- Automatic reconnection of the integration.
- SSL encryption available for a more secure communication.
Solution architecture
Herta and Genetec Security Center applications can be located on the same or different servers, as well as they can be within the same or different local networks.
Herta requires at least an IP camera source like BioSurveillance NEXT running to generate detection and/or identification alarms and our communication module BioCom must be enabled.
From Genetec's side, the FaceRecRestApi plugin must be installed and the same IP camera source has to be running.
The integration is a middleware application that creates communication between Herta and Genetec based on FaceRecRestApi and BioCom.
The alarms coming from Herta englobes detection/identification/both events, depending on the settings configured on the integration. These facial events contain fields like name, last name, ID, metadata, and others.