For public administration agencies, CentralSquare provides software for finance, human capital management, payroll, utility billing, asset management, and community development. Unique Features: Full public safety suite, from 911 through CAD, Mobile, Records, and Jail. CentralSquare has a Public Safety Suite of multiple Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) solutions including Enterprise CAD, OneSolution CAD, and PRO CAD.
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OneSolution CAD Call Ingest Solution Overview
Alerts entered in ONEsolution CAD by 911 call center dispatch operators are sent to the Genetec Dispatch System Connector plugin to be displayed in Genetec Security Center maps. Patrol units location and status from the Enterprise CAD are sent to the Genetec Fleet Monitoring plugin to be displayed in Genetec Security Center maps.
Key Market Applicatrions
The main target market for this application are the Real-time crime centers (RTCC) for Law Enforcement. Officers in those centers are supporting field operations through the use of technology, such as video, license plate recognition, analytics and dynamic maps. Having the CAD alerts and Patrol untis displayed in a unified application alongside the other technologies allows RTCC officers to understand the overall situation, provide context to responding officers, accelerate investigations and support the management of large planned and unplanned events.
Features and Benefits
- Display CAD alerts on map with icon representing alert type.
- Filter alerts based on priority, geolocation and time.
- View CAD alert details.
- View Patrol units location and status
- Benefits for Security Center operator:
- Situational awareness of CAD alerts location and status.
- Situational awareness of Patrol unit location and status
Solution Architecture
Genetec already has API from a past ONEsolution CAD integration but written for older versions of ONEsolution and Security Center.
- CST indicated no new ONEsolution CAD API available, but a sample XML file can be provided by CST.
- CST to provide end-user with a quote to acquire the ONEsolution CAD XML file needed for development.
- CST will assign a project manager to work with WFU and Genetec.