Genetec Experience Center - Devices wall

Supported Device List

Here at Genetec, we support a wide range of industry-leading cameras, encoders, cloud and storage devices, intercoms, video surveillance equipment, and access control hardware.

Use the tabs below to find cameras and devices that are supported by Security Center

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information in the generated list below is provided by Genetec for general reference, absolutely without warranty and at the user’s own risk. Users are strongly encouraged to validate their final edge device choice with the manufacturer and with a Genetec representative. In particular, the compatibility of certain devices may have been tested only by their manufacturer and not by Genetec. Genetec assumes no liability with respect to the user’s purchase or use of any device listed below.

* List of devices that are no longer supported. Best effort assistance will be provided to existing end users that had them deployed prior to June 2020.

Manufacturersorted ascendingModelDevice typeCloud compatible
2N Telekomunikace2N SIP Speaker HornSIP SpeakerNo
2N Telekomunikace2N SIP MicSubstationNo
2N Telekomunikace2N SIP Audio ConverterConverterNo
2N Telekomunikace2N SIP SpeakerSIP SpeakerNo
2N Telekomunikace2N IP Video KitSubstationNo
2N Telekomunikace2N IP VarioSubstationNo
2N Telekomunikace2N IP Verso 2.0SubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP StyleSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP VersoSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP SafetySubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP UniSubstationNo
2N Telekomunikace2N IP Phone D7AIP PhoneNo
2N Telekomunikace2N IP SoloSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP Indoor ViewSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP OneSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP Audio KitSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP ForceSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N Indoor Touch 2.0SubstationNo
2N Telekomunikace2N IP ClipSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N Indoor TouchSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N IP BaseSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N Indoor CompactSubstationYes
2N Telekomunikace2N Indoor TalkSubstationYes
AiphoneIX-RS-*IP PhoneNo
AiphoneIX-MV7-*IP PhoneNo
Algo8196SIP SpeakerNo
Algo8190SSIP SpeakerNo
Algo8190SIP SpeakerNo
Algo8189SIP SpeakerNo
Algo8186SIP SpeakerNo
Algo8180G2SIP SpeakerNo
Algo8198SIP SpeakerYes
Algo8188SIP SpeakerNo
Algo8138SIP Strobe LightNo
Algo8128SIP Strobe LightNo
AvigilonH4 Video IntercomSubstationNo
Axis CommunicationsA8207-VESubstationYes
Axis CommunicationsA8004-VESubstationYes
Axis CommunicationsQ9216Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsQ3517Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsP3245Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsP3228Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsP3227Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3206Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3116Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3115Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3075Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3065Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3057Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsI8116SubstationYes
Axis CommunicationsD4100-ESIP Strobe LightNo
Axis CommunicationsC8210ConverterYes
Axis CommunicationsC8033ConverterYes
Axis CommunicationsC3003-ESIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsC2005SIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsC1610-VESIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsC1410SIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsC1310-ESIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsC1004-ESIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsQ9307-LVSIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsQ3515Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3205Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3066Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsM3064Camera (with SIP support)No
Axis CommunicationsI7010-VESubstationYes
Axis CommunicationsC8110ConverterYes
Axis CommunicationsC1511SIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsC1211-ESIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsC1210-ESIP SpeakerYes
Axis CommunicationsA8207-VE Mk IISubstationYes
Axis CommunicationsA8105-ESubstationYes
Axis CommunicationsI8016-LVESubstationYes
BaudischCompactClassic AHDSubstationNo
BoschPraesensaPA SystemNo
BoschPaviroPA SystemNo
BoschLHN-UC15W-SIPSIP SpeakerNo
BoschAMN-P15-SIPSIP SpeakerNo
BoschTELEX IP-224SIP GatewayNo
BoschLHN-UC15L-SIPSIP SpeakerNo
CastelCastel SIPMobileNo
CastelCAP IP-V1B-PSubstationNo
CastelCAP IP-V1B-SCREENSubstationNo

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